New Year Greetings

Wishing you a healthy & happy 2014!
This past year has been quite eventful, consulting clients, teaching workshops and providing Ayurvedic meals for Yoga retreats. I also travelled to India, where I took part in an annual walk along with many other yogis and pilgrims. The experience was rejuvenating on every level. You can view some pictures here.
Now that Christmas is over and the days are slooowly becoming longer, there is much to look forward to. Many of us are keen to lighten up the belly and detoxify however, Ayurveda recommends to avoid strong detoxing at peak winter and summer seasons. Light and warming meals are a good way to cleanse in January without creating imbalance. Check out the moong soup recipe on the blog, it’s perfect for this and everyone loves it! Turmeric is also a powerful detoxing herb, have you had turmeric tea yet? Try the turmeric tea recipe and let me know how you like it.

I’m pleased to report that our Ayurvedic cuisine is a success amongst students hence, on Friday 28th February we’ll be hosting a pop-up Ayurvedic dinner party! Come alone or bring a friend to Universal Yoga at 19:00 and enjoy a healthy vegetarian meal, £15 pp. You can also learn how to make these recipes on the next Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop in March. Stay tuned for upcoming dates.


I’m now available for consultations at Universal Yoga and Arcania, Bath. If you have any health concerns, acute or chronic, you are welcome to come and see me. Employing Ayurvedic herbs, food and lifestyle, I can help you restore health and balance.

Looking forward to see you

Ariadna Landman
Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner
07557 536127 / 01225 723441


Just as daily teeth brushing improves oral health and hygiene, self-massage is a routine that can significantly improve your health and that of your skin. Come and learn how to do the ‘Abhyanga’ self-massage at home, and what oils are best for your skin type.

Universal Yoga studio
Red Hill, Camerton, BA2 ONY
Thursday 16th January 2014  18:00-19:00  £10

Spices are vital for improving digestion and gently encouraging excess toxins out. In this workshop you’ll be able to learn the various healing properties of herbs and spices, how to use them to increase immunity and vitality and to relieve common health complaints.

Yoga Bodhi Studio, 8a Bartlett Street, Bath BA1 2QZ
Friday 17th January 2014
19:00-20:00  £8.50

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