VitalVeda » Ariadna Discover your natural balance Sat, 11 Mar 2017 07:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to make ghee & 5 facts to remember Thu, 17 Sep 2015 13:02:13 +0000 Ghee is the essence of butter, the end result of a slow clarification process that removes all water from butter. In Ayurvedic cuisine we consider ghee the best type of fat to cook with. For centuries ghee has been a sign of wealth in India, one who had large stocks of ghee was said to […]

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Ghee is the essence of butter, the end result of a slow clarification process that removes all water from butter. In Ayurvedic cuisine we consider ghee the best type of fat to cook with. For centuries ghee has been a sign of wealth in India, one who had large stocks of ghee was said to possess liquid gold. Indeed, there’s something quite wonderful about the caramel-like aroma and flavour of ghee.

Ghee is a digestive, it helps to improve absorption and assimilation of food in the gut. It’s unparalleled in the way it nourishes the nervous system and it’s therefore called “food for the brain”. Ghee makes the body flexible and in the right dose, it’s good for the three doshas. It particularly pacifies Pitta and Vata and is good for Kapha in moderation. Ghee is regularly used in Ayurvedic pharmacies as a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the body tissues. Here are 5 ghee facts for you to remember:

  1. Ghee contains omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids, along with vitamins A, D, E and K.
  2. Ghee promotes memory, intellect, power of digestion, immunity and strength.
  3. Ghee keeps indefinitely without refrigeration. It just needs to be well closed. Always dip into your ghee jar with a clean spoon, otherwise the ghee can go off.
  4. Ghee is suitable for those with dairy intolerance.
  5. Ghee is a sattvic food, which means it exerts a calming and pacifying effect on the mind. It encourages positive thoughts and helps to cultivate higher states of consciousness.

Preparation: approximate cooking time: 50 minutes.


  • 750 grs, or 3 packs of unsalted organic butter

  • Sterilized clean storage jar

  • Muslim cloth or very fine strainer


1. Place the butter in a heavy pan and melt over medium heat until it’s all liquid. It will take about five minutes.

2. Reduce heat to minimum and let it simmer uncovered for the next 45 minutes or so. It’s very important to use the lowest possible flame, otherwise the ghee will cook too fast and may easily get burned. Let it simmer until there is only a trace of air bubbles on the surface, which indicates it’s done. Turn off the fire and let it cool a little.

3. Pour into a clean jar using a muslin cloth or strainer to filter the froth from the top layer. Make sure that the sediment remains at the bottom of the saucepan.

4. Once the Ghee cools down it will solidify and it will be ready to use.

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Summer Newsletter Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:08:48 +0000 Exciting times ahead! Now that things are finally settled I’m happy to announce that we’ve had a successful move and relocation of our clinic ( it’s been 6 months already!). The new address is in Peasedown St John, a lovely village just outside of Bath and 30 Min away from Bristol. The new place is […]

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Exciting times ahead!

Now that things are finally settled I’m happy to announce that we’ve had a successful move and relocation of our clinic ( it’s been 6 months already!). The new address is in Peasedown St John, a lovely village just outside of Bath and 30 Min away from Bristol. The new place is peaceful and spacious, we have facilities to offer a wide range of Ayurvedic treatments, including weekend retreats and PanchaKarma.
Panchakarma is the ultimate mind-body healing experience for detoxifying and strengthening every organ and system. A unique set of therapies that works on rejuvenating the entire organism, PanchaKarma uproots disease from it’s core and restores true well-being. We offer one week residential PanchaKarma, read more about it on the treatments page.


13 July 2015 Instil Yoga conference at London SOAS

My friend and colleague Charlotta, from teen yoga foundation, has organised this first of a kind conference. “Our aim is that the conference will instil further interest in the practice of yoga in educational contexts, through discussion of practical ways of grounding this practice in the most valuable elements of the wisdom of yoga and cutting-edge scientific research”. Read more about it at

Shekina Ashram Kirtan
This summer from the 28th- 2nd August there will be a special week long Kirtan festival led by Sri Raman Vihari Dasa, a bhakti yogi visiting from India. Kirtan refers to the practise of mantra repetition through music. It’s a powerful way of healing and highly recommended at this beautiful venue. It’s free attendance and you’re welcome to visit one day or all seven! more info at
This year’s Colourfest in Dorset was a great event even better and bigger than last year. There were many workshops, Kirtans and Yoga to choose from. I lead an Ayurveda workshop and offered consultations throughout the event. If you haven’t been before, I recommend visiting next year!
VitalVeda’s consultation booth at Colourfest
Wishing you all the best of health and looking forward to hear from you.
With love, Ariadna

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My latest cleanse Mon, 25 May 2015 10:03:08 +0000 I’ve recently had a chance to do a much needed fast/cleanse for which I’m most grateful for. I’ve been doing fasts since I was 17. This last one might have been one of the best yet. During the first month of our move you see, getting pots and pans to cook with was an adventure, […]

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me and Izzy

Ariadna and Issy at April’s cooking workshop on cleansing

I’ve recently had a chance to do a much needed fast/cleanse for which I’m most grateful for. I’ve been doing fasts since I was 17. This last one might have been one of the best yet. During the first month of our move you see, getting pots and pans to cook with was an adventure, which at times involved leaping. Hence we (heavily) relied on takeaways, frozen food and left overs (gasp!). Yes, not ideal and certainly detrimental to digestion.

The situation improved in the months that followed, yet by the time April arrived, I could feel the burden the poor diet had created on every cell of my being. I needed to detox and detox I did. Perhaps one of my longest detox so far, for a period of three full weeks. As the days went by, I felt better and better, mentally clearer and happy as I renewed myself inside out.

Cleansing is perhaps one of the most simple and yet most effective ways of healing (maybe the most cost effective too). You can do it at home, whilst on holidays (my favourite), or at a retreat with the help of a professional. It is important for a cleanse to be appropriately done though. Otherwise we risk causing an imbalance to our Vata (the bio-element that runs the nervous system), and our Prana (the vital force that glues the body, mind and soul). If that were to happen, we might end up in a worse place than we started.

A simple vegetarian diet with plenty of moong bean and vegetables like courgettes, carrots, broccoli, spring greens and asparagus (they’re now in season) might just do the trick. Certain Ayurvedic remedies also work wonders in the cleansing process. Do get in touch if you’ll like to get started with your cleanse, and you’ll like some guidance. It’s not too late and your body and mind will thank you for it. If you find yourself either tired, sluggish, bloated, constipated, suffering with generalised pains and aches, lacking good skin complexion and mental clarity, chances are high that your digestive system is overloaded with ama- toxins, and you need to cleanse.

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The Vital Vegetarian, Plum chutney recipe Thu, 11 Sep 2014 02:21:51 +0000 An Ayurvedic meal is often considered incomplete without a dab of chutney to liven it up. Chutneys provide a delightful sweet and sour taste that balances and completes a meal. A chutney’s spiciness can range from fiery to pleasantly nippy, and its texture can vary from a thinnish sauce to a jam like conserve. This […]

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An Ayurvedic meal is often considered incomplete without a dab of chutney to liven it up. Chutneys provide a delightful sweet and sour taste that balances and completes a meal. A chutney’s spiciness can range from fiery to pleasantly nippy, and its texture can vary from a thinnish sauce to a jam like conserve. This plum chutney is a lovely compliment to any meal.


  • 4 tablespoons of ghee or unsalted butter

  • ½ tablespoon of peeled and cut fresh ginger root

  • 1.2 Kg Red plums, halved, pitted and quartered

  • 1 ½ cups unrefined brown sugar

  • Spices: ½ teaspoon cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and coriander powder


1. Heat the ghee or butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat. When it’s hot stir in the ginger and cloves and cook together for a minute.

2. Add the rest of powder spices and immediately after, put in the plums. Cook for about 30 minutes or until the plums loose their shape.

3. Add the sugar and continue to simmer without lid for about 20 minutes over low heat, until the chutney is fairly thick and glazed.

Serve at room temperature or put it in a glass jar and refrigerate.

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Troubles sleeping? My 5 top tips for better sleep Mon, 12 May 2014 09:33:56 +0000 It’s late at night. First you lie on your left, then on your right. Face up, face down and back to your left to start all over again. Is this familiar? It turns out that more than 50% of the population has difficulties getting to sleep, and women are three times more likely than men […]

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larger sleepIt’s late at night. First you lie on your left, then on your right. Face up, face down and back to your left to start all over again. Is this familiar? It turns out that more than 50% of the population has difficulties getting to sleep, and women are three times more likely than men to suffer, say new statistics from the Great British Sleep Survey. The results? Mornings lack a spring in our step getting out the door; our focus and attention is diminished; simple tasks are insurmountable mountains, in days that seem to drag on and on. Caffeine may come to the rescue and provide an extra push, but even the caffeine lady can’t lift one up when many a night has been bad. We are officially tired, in need of sleep, which can make things worse when getting to bed at night.

Here are my top tips for you to try and resolve the issue in a natural Ayurvedic way:

  • Massage your feet and calves; your face, neck and head. An over-active mind, coupled with stress are often the main causes for insomnia. Massaging these areas effectively releases the accumulated tension, soothes the mind and calms the nerves. Apply pressure with your finger tips, thumbs and palms. Neal’s yard has a nice variety of creams, lavender, rose and geranium are ideal.

  • The nose is a direct route to the brain. Relaxing aromas can shift an anxious state of mind to a calm one. On a flannel, on your pillow, or on round cotton pads, pour a generous amount of rose water. On top of that, add either jasmine, lavender or sandalwood. Keep on your forehead and under your nose.

  • Bring your attention to your breathing. Notice how your breath may be shallow or constrained. Gradually focus on taking longer and deeper breaths. Feel your abdomen rising and expanding with each breath in, closing as you breathe out. If you are familiar with alternate breathing, practise a few rounds of it.

  • Make sure your stomach is neither full nor empty. Having dinner at least three hours before going to bed is ideal.

  • A cup of hot milk with honey, turmeric and nutmeg is extremely helpful to induce good sleep. Avoid taking it if you’ve had late dinner. There should be at least a two hour gap.

Hope this helps on your way to many restful nights and sweet dreams!


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The Vital Vegetarian Mon, 17 Mar 2014 22:29:04 +0000 Sweet Potato Lush: Asparagus, cauliflower and sweet potatoes, who knew this combo would taste so good! This dish is simply delicious. I made it last week and I was quite pleased with it. This is a nourishing recipe ideal for Vata types and any balanced body type on a cold day. Serves 4. Ingredients: 4 […]

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Sweet potato lush photoSweet Potato Lush:

Asparagus, cauliflower and sweet potatoes, who knew this combo would taste so good! This dish is simply delicious. I made it last week and I was quite pleased with it.
This is a nourishing recipe ideal for Vata types and any balanced body type on a cold day.
Serves 4. Ingredients:

  • 4 tbs of organic cold-pressed sesame oil
  • 2 tbs of fresh grated ginger
  • A pinch of asafoetida powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 650 g sweet potato
  • 1 small sized cauliflower
  • 300 g asparagus
  • A Bunch of fresh coriander leaves
  • 1 teaspoon salt

First prepare the vegetables. Peal, wash and cut the sweet potatoes into sticks. Wash and gently separate the cauliflower florets. Wash and cut the asparagus from the tips to the roots. Once the knife doesn’t easily cut through, you can discard it. This bit of the asparagus won’t soften after cooking.

Heat the sesame oil in a medium sized non-stick saucepan over medium heat. Peal and grate the ginger and add it in once the oil is hot. Toss in the asafoetida and cumin powder. In sequential order add in the vegetables. First put in the sweet potatoes and saute in low heat for about 5 to 8 minutes, then add the cauliflower florets and put the lid on. Cook together for another 5 minutes. Then stir in the asparagus. Let it all cook together until soft, preferably with the lid on.

Season with salt and sprinkle with freshly cut coriander, Bon Appetite!


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Bliss in the mountains Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:22:11 +0000 My lovely patient Alice(*) has recently returned from a skiing holiday in France. Truth be told, I feel rather nostalgic now. I grew up in Granada, a beautiful city with glorious peaks- the Sierra Nevada mountains. Every winter I would spend most weekends up in the crispy white slopes, with nature at its best, loving […]

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IMGP7298My lovely patient Alice(*) has recently returned from a skiing holiday in France. Truth be told, I feel rather nostalgic now. I grew up in Granada, a beautiful city with glorious peaks- the Sierra Nevada mountains.
Every winter I would spend most weekends up in the crispy white slopes, with nature at its best, loving every minute spent on my skis.
It’s no surprise that Alice now reports, “ever since the mountain break and your Ayurvedic herbs my symptoms are gone!” Indeed, this is a revitalizing combination. The mountains are a great place for healing and a source of many medicinal herbs. It’s where the yogis and sages of yore would spend years practising Ayurveda and Yoga.
When I’m high up in the mountains I become totally enveloped by them. It feels like being on a gateway to heaven, where you can almost touch and speak to the Divine. Worries melt away, and there is nothing but an intimate connection between yourself, the earth, the sun and the wind as you slide down from the tops. It’s always an exhilarating experience for body, mind and soul.
We managed to catch the last snow of the season in May 2013, fingers crossed it won’t be long till next trip!

Blog slopes

(*) for privacy reasons all my patients are called “Alice” or “Bob”

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New Year Greetings Tue, 07 Jan 2014 15:28:39 +0000 Wishing you a healthy & happy 2014! This past year has been quite eventful, consulting clients, teaching workshops and providing Ayurvedic meals for Yoga retreats. I also travelled to India, where I took part in an annual walk along with many other yogis and pilgrims. The experience was rejuvenating on every level. You can view […]

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Wishing you a healthy & happy 2014!
This past year has been quite eventful, consulting clients, teaching workshops and providing Ayurvedic meals for Yoga retreats. I also travelled to India, where I took part in an annual walk along with many other yogis and pilgrims. The experience was rejuvenating on every level. You can view some pictures here.
Now that Christmas is over and the days are slooowly becoming longer, there is much to look forward to. Many of us are keen to lighten up the belly and detoxify however, Ayurveda recommends to avoid strong detoxing at peak winter and summer seasons. Light and warming meals are a good way to cleanse in January without creating imbalance. Check out the moong soup recipe on the blog, it’s perfect for this and everyone loves it! Turmeric is also a powerful detoxing herb, have you had turmeric tea yet? Try the turmeric tea recipe and let me know how you like it.

I’m pleased to report that our Ayurvedic cuisine is a success amongst students hence, on Friday 28th February we’ll be hosting a pop-up Ayurvedic dinner party! Come alone or bring a friend to Universal Yoga at 19:00 and enjoy a healthy vegetarian meal, £15 pp. You can also learn how to make these recipes on the next Ayurvedic Cooking Workshop in March. Stay tuned for upcoming dates.


I’m now available for consultations at Universal Yoga and Arcania, Bath. If you have any health concerns, acute or chronic, you are welcome to come and see me. Employing Ayurvedic herbs, food and lifestyle, I can help you restore health and balance.

Looking forward to see you

Ariadna Landman
Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner
07557 536127 / 01225 723441


Just as daily teeth brushing improves oral health and hygiene, self-massage is a routine that can significantly improve your health and that of your skin. Come and learn how to do the ‘Abhyanga’ self-massage at home, and what oils are best for your skin type.

Universal Yoga studio
Red Hill, Camerton, BA2 ONY
Thursday 16th January 2014  18:00-19:00  £10

Spices are vital for improving digestion and gently encouraging excess toxins out. In this workshop you’ll be able to learn the various healing properties of herbs and spices, how to use them to increase immunity and vitality and to relieve common health complaints.

Yoga Bodhi Studio, 8a Bartlett Street, Bath BA1 2QZ
Friday 17th January 2014
19:00-20:00  £8.50

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The Vital Vegetarian Fri, 20 Dec 2013 12:00:06 +0000 Moong Dhal Soup: Dhal is the generic name used in India for dried peas, lentils and beans. For centuries, dhals have been an integral part of Ayurvedic cuisine. The moong bean is considered one of the best legumes due to its highly nourishing value, and its easy-to-digest nature. It is drying, light and cooling, it […]

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Moong Dhal Soup:

Dhal is the generic name used in India for dried peas, lentils and beans. For centuries, dhals have been an integral part of Ayurvedic cuisine. The moong bean is considered one of the best legumes due to its highly nourishing value, and its easy-to-digest nature. It is drying, light and cooling, it balances the three doshas and it purifies the body of toxins. Moong bean soup is a dish recommended for all body types, and is also ideal during illness or convalescence.
Approximate cooking time: 30-35 minutes.

Ingredients serves 4:

  • 1 cup yellow split moong beans

  • 5 cups water (you may add more/less depending on your consistency preference)

  • 2 tablespoons ghee

    • Yellow split moong beans

    100 ml Coconut cream

  • Vegetables of choice- courgettes, carrots, broccoli

  • Freshly chopped coriander

  • 1 teaspoon cumin seeds
  • 1 teaspoon coriander

  • I teaspoon turmeric

  • ½ teaspoon asafoetida

  • 1 teaspoon salt


1- If possible, put the beans in a bowl to soak for an hour. Then, wash and drain three times.

2- Put the water in a kettle to boil. Once ready, bring the beans and water into a deep saucepan and cook on medium fire for about 25 minutes. You can also use a pressure cooker to reduce the cooking time.

3- In the mean time prepare any vegetables that you may wish to add, peal and cut into cubes or sticks.

4- In a saucepan, melt the ghee and add the fresh ginger and cumin seeds, stir for a few seconds. Then add the powder spices and cut vegetables. Cook on low fire for about eight minutes or until the vegetables are tender.

5- Once ready, and after the beans have cooked for 20-25 minutes, open the pan or pressure cooker and add in all the vegetables including the coconut cream and salt.

6- Cook all together for another 5 minutes.

7- Take the pan off the fire and sprinkle the chopped coriander leaves on top.

Bon appetitte!

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September News Wed, 18 Sep 2013 22:32:53 +0000 Have you noticed the temperature drop? You can’t miss it here in Bath, the winds whisper we are heading towards the cosy season. In case you haven’t had a chance to clean, rinse and dry your insides, this is your last chance before it gets any colder! Ayurveda reminds us to purify the body and […]

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Have you noticed the temperature drop? You can’t miss it here in Bath, the winds whisper we are heading towards the cosy season. In case you haven’t had a chance to clean, rinse and dry your insides, this is your last chance before it gets any colder! Ayurveda reminds us to purify the body and mind twice a year, after summer and after winter. There are an unlimited number of benefits from doing these seasonal cleanses: they help with colds and allergies, recurrent indigestion and bowel disorders, tiredness and fatigue, depression and anxiety, just to name a few. In addition, by releasing accumulated toxins, you can experience greater vitality and prevent illness. This week’s classes therefore focus on how to detox at home, using easy Ayurvedic remedies and principles. Please check the calendar for more information.

Some good news is I’m now available for any dietary or remedy questions at Harvest health food store, in Bath. The Harvest team is keen to help and promote Ayurveda, which shares the health and natural living values the store stands for. Therefore on appointed days, I’m on the shop floor answering any queries that you may have and offering Ayurvedic tasters.

With Ayurveda enthusiasts at Harvest health food store, Bath.

This summer has been so much fun. Experienced yoga teacher Lila Conway led “the heart of yoga retreat”, where a lovely group of students immersed themselves in the practice of Yoga and meditation. I assisted by making nutritionally balanced meals during the retreat. I’m told the yoga experience was enhanced by the tasty and easy-to-digest Ayurvedic foods. Padma Priya, a well known yoga teacher also held a beautiful week retreat at Universal Yoga, joined and enjoyed by many. Tim Chalice played beautiful kirtan music, whilst Ratna Dey Cordukes and I presented some basic Ayurvedic principles including how to make Moong dhal!

Teachers and students at the “Heart of Yoga retreat”

The August Ayurvedic cooking workshop was also a success. We spent the day diving into the healing properties of spices and foods for each body type. Amongst other recipes we made ghee, date lassi, plum chutney and barley stew. All was thoroughly delighted at the end of the day. Next cooking workshop will focus on diet and recipes for winter.
Stay tuned for the dates, I look forward to seeing you there!



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