VitalVeda » The Vital Vegetarian Discover your natural balance Sat, 11 Mar 2017 07:54:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to make ghee & 5 facts to remember Thu, 17 Sep 2015 13:02:13 +0000 Ghee is the essence of butter, the end result of a slow clarification process that removes all water from butter. In Ayurvedic cuisine we consider ghee the best type of fat to cook with. For centuries ghee has been a sign of wealth in India, one who had large stocks of ghee was said to […]

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Ghee is the essence of butter, the end result of a slow clarification process that removes all water from butter. In Ayurvedic cuisine we consider ghee the best type of fat to cook with. For centuries ghee has been a sign of wealth in India, one who had large stocks of ghee was said to possess liquid gold. Indeed, there’s something quite wonderful about the caramel-like aroma and flavour of ghee.

Ghee is a digestive, it helps to improve absorption and assimilation of food in the gut. It’s unparalleled in the way it nourishes the nervous system and it’s therefore called “food for the brain”. Ghee makes the body flexible and in the right dose, it’s good for the three doshas. It particularly pacifies Pitta and Vata and is good for Kapha in moderation. Ghee is regularly used in Ayurvedic pharmacies as a catalytic agent that carries the medicinal properties of herbs into the body tissues. Here are 5 ghee facts for you to remember:

  1. Ghee contains omega 3 and omega 9 fatty acids, along with vitamins A, D, E and K.
  2. Ghee promotes memory, intellect, power of digestion, immunity and strength.
  3. Ghee keeps indefinitely without refrigeration. It just needs to be well closed. Always dip into your ghee jar with a clean spoon, otherwise the ghee can go off.
  4. Ghee is suitable for those with dairy intolerance.
  5. Ghee is a sattvic food, which means it exerts a calming and pacifying effect on the mind. It encourages positive thoughts and helps to cultivate higher states of consciousness.

Preparation: approximate cooking time: 50 minutes.


  • 750 grs, or 3 packs of unsalted organic butter

  • Sterilized clean storage jar

  • Muslim cloth or very fine strainer


1. Place the butter in a heavy pan and melt over medium heat until it’s all liquid. It will take about five minutes.

2. Reduce heat to minimum and let it simmer uncovered for the next 45 minutes or so. It’s very important to use the lowest possible flame, otherwise the ghee will cook too fast and may easily get burned. Let it simmer until there is only a trace of air bubbles on the surface, which indicates it’s done. Turn off the fire and let it cool a little.

3. Pour into a clean jar using a muslin cloth or strainer to filter the froth from the top layer. Make sure that the sediment remains at the bottom of the saucepan.

4. Once the Ghee cools down it will solidify and it will be ready to use.

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The Vital Vegetarian, Plum chutney recipe Thu, 11 Sep 2014 02:21:51 +0000 An Ayurvedic meal is often considered incomplete without a dab of chutney to liven it up. Chutneys provide a delightful sweet and sour taste that balances and completes a meal. A chutney’s spiciness can range from fiery to pleasantly nippy, and its texture can vary from a thinnish sauce to a jam like conserve. This […]

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An Ayurvedic meal is often considered incomplete without a dab of chutney to liven it up. Chutneys provide a delightful sweet and sour taste that balances and completes a meal. A chutney’s spiciness can range from fiery to pleasantly nippy, and its texture can vary from a thinnish sauce to a jam like conserve. This plum chutney is a lovely compliment to any meal.


  • 4 tablespoons of ghee or unsalted butter

  • ½ tablespoon of peeled and cut fresh ginger root

  • 1.2 Kg Red plums, halved, pitted and quartered

  • 1 ½ cups unrefined brown sugar

  • Spices: ½ teaspoon cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg and coriander powder


1. Heat the ghee or butter in a heavy saucepan over low heat. When it’s hot stir in the ginger and cloves and cook together for a minute.

2. Add the rest of powder spices and immediately after, put in the plums. Cook for about 30 minutes or until the plums loose their shape.

3. Add the sugar and continue to simmer without lid for about 20 minutes over low heat, until the chutney is fairly thick and glazed.

Serve at room temperature or put it in a glass jar and refrigerate.

The post The Vital Vegetarian, Plum chutney recipe appeared first on VitalVeda.

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